
Windows Area, Arches National Park, September 27, 2011

We’ve visited the Windows Arches at least three times.  The trail is a loop trail with one leg – where this photo was taken –  going over to Turret Arch.  Some people just go to the first window, the North Window, other go further, to the second window, while others do the whole loop, so the trail distance varies from 0.5 to 2.0 mikes, depending on the visitors’ choice.  The trail is an easy, well-maintained path.  Hiking time varies from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.  The trail is open all year.  1 to 2 liters of water is recommended during the warm part of the year.  We’ve visited when it was hot, but our preference is from the middle of September on, when it is cooler.  Even then, we carry water after a couple of hikes where we wished we had.  The only shade is under the arches or in the shadow of the rocks.

North and South Windows are also known as the spectacle arches.

autumn, hiking, landscape, parks, photography, places, utah

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