Art on Sunday #14

Woodcut color print by Albert Abramovitz, a Federal Arts Project Work Projects Administration work.
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. “Wuxtry” The New York Public Library Digital Collections. (image at NYPL)
TV Tropes: “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Cliché stock phrase from the 1890s through the 1940s used to denote breaking news! Sometimes uses “extry” or “wuxtry” to denote a New England accent! Often shouted by overzealous newsies and paperboys! A Dead Horse Trope nowadays owing to television and the internet! Related to Spinning Paper! Extra! Extra! “
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Hi Mike – love that word … great find: sad it’s so out of date – but that’s life. Fantastic wood print – what an amazing find to post for us ..
Cheers Hilary
Thanks. I want to try to remember to continue with something every week for “Art on Sunday.”
I’ve not kept up with my blogging like I would like to as I was back to working full time for 18 months. Now I am getting back up to speed with it as well as projects around here and getting ready for a camping trip out west.