Currently blog posts are running about 4 weeks behind because of poor (or no) internet and/or cell connections. This post is published out-of-order because of the adverse winter weather we are experiencing. We are now just north of Casper, Wyoming, sitting out an unseasonably early snow storm.

After leaving Grand Teton National Park, our original plans were to spend last night at a public campground without hookups and travel into Nebraska today. After Karen checked the forecast, we decided to drive further yesterday and camp in an RV park with hookups. The original forecast had called for snow last night through tomorrow morning. It held off so we might have been okay with our original plans, but we had electric heat last night, as we will tonight, without using our propane. It’s supposed to warm up tomorrow, getting into the 70s on the weekend when we’ll be over in a national forest in Nebraska.

We’re not planning to get an early start tomorrow. With the car and camper windows covered with wet snow and the temperature dropping to 27°F or lower, it may take a bit of effort to get cleared off.

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Hi Mike – that was unexpected, while we bask in warm sunshine – an Indian Summer so far .. and continuing (I’m pleased to say) into next week ..
Hope it doesn’t make your trip too ‘messy’ with planning and driving etc .. cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary — We knew about it Tuesday and I had seen some longer range forecasts suggesting winter weather was on the way several days earlier. Today’s drive will be cool, but tonight will be above freezing. Tomorrow should be back to normal temperature in northwestern Nebraska, our next destination.
I’m fairly sure I would have totally freaked out waking up to that! 😕
Hopefully it was still warm enough not to affect the roads too much?
The roads will be fine, I think. It’s the first time temperatures have been below freezing for several months. We’re not in any rush to head out. Our next destination is only 3.5 hours driving time away.
In Dublin for the past almost three weeks I have lived in short sleeves – an unusual occurrence for me – It feels cooler not that I am home, but nothing like the temperatures you are experiencing. Just looking at the photos makes me shiver.
We’re away from all the snow right now, at a state park in Nebraska (next to a church camp that I went to one summer when I was a kid). It’s still cold, but 52°F (11°C) is much better than the 24°F (-4°C) we woke up to this morning! Tonight is supposed to be well above freezing,
It is 52°F (11°C) here right now, it felt colder earlier this evening. Time I got some beauty sleep, it is way past Cinderella hour!