Do you blog – or have you blogged? If so, how’s the blogging going?
I’ve seen estimates online that about 60 to 80% of all blogs are abandoned within their first month and that, by the end of three months, the percentage abandoned rises to somewhere around 95%.
I’ve lasted far longer than most, I suppose – and I figure I’m just gonna stick with it – but I’ll be going about it with a bit more structure.
Here on Exit78, I’ve been trying out three regular posts a week.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I post random photos from our travels. All of the images that I use for these come from image sets where I’ve created a corresponding video that has been published on YouTube.
On Fridays, I’ll continue to post the series “faces out of time.” This is intended to share interesting – hopefully – public domain images of people from previous times.
I’ll continue to create new video slide shows of places that we’ve been. However, I won’t be doing it day-by-day from a particular trip. I want to include some material from older trips as well as the more recent. Photos from those trips will go into the random sort bin after I’ve posted the videos here.
On future trips, I probably won’t try to post about the trip while we are traveling. We’ve had two shorter trips this year and I avoided blogging-the-trip on both.
I hope to also do more commentary type posts, but that’ll be dependent on other things that are going on.