A lost Exit78 post, recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; March 2011
We’ve been back home for 4 weeks now and I still haven’t gotten around to dealing with all of the photos that I took and finishing my incomplete travel journal. I’ve taken a step back, looked at what I’ve got, and developed a plan — of sorts.
The first thing that I’ve done is lay out the route of our travels on a map.

The next part of this will be to tackle the trip in small bites. For instance, the first part will be the trip from home to Spring Lake Campground outside Halstead, Kansas, with the pictures that I took along the way and in Kansas.
For each part of the trip I’ll publish a travel article on my Haw Creek Out ‘n About blog as well as build a photo gallery on Haw Creek Outdoors.
I’m going to treat this as a project. My hope is that once I’m done with it, I’ll have a model that I can use for future trips — and that I’ll be able to use it while traveling so that it’ll fairly current.
Comments on "What a trip!"
October 26, 2007
teeni @ 10:07 pm
Well, I hope it will be a fun project for you to put together. I’m sure it will be fun for us readers!