In reading narratives of the park’s early exploration, I was surprised by the number of forest fires mentioned. Fallen trees from earlier fires often blocked progress of the exploring expeditions.
This photo is from the southern part of the park in 1898. The fire that killed these trees was not recent – note the vegetation in the foreground, – probably more than a couple of years. Looking at a high resolution image, there are small evergreens in the woods, probably about 2 to 3 feet tall. It’s likely that they are lodgepole pine, which have cones that need exposure to high temperature to open and release seeds.

On the Yellowstone section of Haw Creek Destinations, I’m including vintage images of visitors to the park, including the one above. On the left is a horse drawn covered buckboard, cropped from the lower right above.
I’ve been working at adding some content to Haw Creek Destinations. It’s all from Yellowstone, for now.
I’m still somewhat disappointed with the progress from the folks that make Thesis. Supporting documentation has been slow in coming and some of the extras that were promised still haven’t appeared. The release 8 weeks ago of Thesis 2.0 was poorly executed.
However, Thesis 2.0 is a great piece of software. I’ve been able to do a number of things with it that would have been hard to do with earlier versions and almost impossible to do with any of the free WprdPress themes I’ve used in the past. It does require a knowledge of HTML and CSS, though, and I’ve needed to do some studying.