A lost Exit78 post , recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; July 2011

While modifying the feeds to my feed reader, I read an interesting post by John Chow, the guy who made $23,448.59 in blog income in. In There Is No Secret Formula, John says:
Making money online can summed up in four words as well: Get traffic, optimize ads. There. I’ve just given you the secret formula to getting rich on the internet.
Build traffic and optimize ads.
Sounds simple.
It’s not, or more people would be making the money that John Chow is making.
It’s NOT getting rich quick without effort. There is no magic secret formula.
It takes work. It takes talent.
Funny, he didn’t say anything about quality content. However, if you don’t have the content, you’re not going to get the traffic and you certainly won’t do well optimizing ads, if you don’t have traffic.
Create content—->—–> build traffic ——>——-> optimize ads.
Yeah, write…
November 19, 2007
teeni @ 10:32 pm
Oh, it always just sounds so easy. Maybe it IS easy for people who are good at those sorts of things.
November 24, 2007
cardiogirl @ 4:39 am
Amen brutha. I am constantly amazed at certain sites with high Alexa rankings, high Google Page Rank, tons of ads that seem to generate money and ZERO interesting content! Sometimes the content is clearly written by someone who uses English as a second language.
I do not get that. I cannot wrap my head around those people’s success.
Maybe I need to go back to remedial writing. I don’t get it. How can these blogs have such high ratings? Who’s going there? This is not the LL Bean catalog where people go specifically to buy stuff.
Ugh, I really want to have quality, original fun content on my site, which I work diligently to create. But I’d like to make a bit o’ cash on the side, too. (Momma needs a new pair of Converse low tops.)
It really is painstaking work trying to market your blog, to increase traffic to make some money off your ads. Lots o’ work and you have to love your blog like a newborn child, in my opinion.
Good luck and keep on truckin’ buddy.
November 26, 2007
Opal Tribble @ 2:49 pm
Of course it’s easy! You just slap a big ole adsense or affiliate banner on your website and the money will start pouring in.
Unless you are already popular it will usually take a lot of work, trial & error, to find what works. Also your strategy at times will be different depending on the different revenue programs you use.
On a few of my websites I’m still testing to see what “works” for them with Vegan Momma I’ve have a good idea and am able to place things based on what I’ve learned. It might appear easy to some but it is a lot of work.