I’ve had several discussions about the coming winter over the last week or so. Most have heard the talk and predictions that the coming winter will be a bad one.
Talk is talk, but how often do people take action?
One thing we planned for this fall was getting our chimney cleaned. Karen talked to the chimney sweep company yesterday and they’re probably not going to get to us until the beginning of December. Karen set up an appointment. They might be able to get to us before that. Might.
The woman she talked to said that it’s been crazy busy for their business, a lot more than normal.
The last time they were this crazy busy was in the fall and early winter of 1999.
Back during the run-up to Y2K.
Remember Y2K?
I guess people were getting ready just in case the power went away because some computers wouldn’t compute properly after the date change to 2000.
We had a pretty cold and snowy winter last year – accompanied by a lot of power outages. Many people had to resort to using their fireplaces more than normal and, for some, normal fireplace use was none at all. That was pretty much us most years.
Given the experience of last winter and the predictions for the upcoming winter, it seems that more than just a few are taking action to prepare.
Current predictions from Weather Bell.
The numbers on the image on the left are the departure from normal in degrees Celsius. To get the departure from normal in Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8, which means that the dark blue area is projected to average 7.2°F below normal.
The percentage on the chart on the right is simply a projection of the percent of normal snowfall that will be seen.

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I used to have a chimney sweep, come every autumn to clean mine. He had an accident and his son -in-law took over. He was an untidy worker and left me more work than enough when he had finished. When I calmed down that last time, I swore never to have him again. I bought a set of poles and brush heads and since then, I have done the job myself. I find it no problem. The important thing to remember is to twist in the locking direction but on the way up and down.
Our problem is that we have a very heavy insert with a 6 inch drop from the fireplace opening to the floor. Karen is afraid (and I’m sure she’s right) that I would have difficulty getting it out and back in — and that I would end up making a terrible mess. 😉
Mine is an open fire, so that makes it easier to manage.
Hi Mike – I wonder what the winter holds .. it was 20 degC here today – well it was warm to put it mildly … but we need the cold too – but excessive snow can be a real pain here, as we’re not geared up for it.
I remember chimney cleaning from decades ago and my uncle had his done every year …
Cheers – just hope we don’t have a nasty one!! Hilary
It’s warm here today — I’m wearing shorts — but by Saturday some areas around here may have frost. But Saturday is November and frost in November doesn’t sound so bad, though it will be a tad early if it happens.
Just read your post about the prognosis for the upcoming winter and addressing such has pretty much covered the activities at my home as of late. Today my home generator system installation will be completed and I will breath somewhat easier with regard to the problems winters can bring, particularly ice! 😕
Granted such a system is a high price to pay for peace of mind and I hope in the end there will not be any disappointments or unforeseen issues.
I hope the system works as expected — IF needed. I certainly hope Arkansas doesn’t have problems with ice, but if it happens, having fall back options certainly should make a big difference.
“IF needed….”
Got to say that even though it was an expensive investment I would not complain whatsoever if it was “NEVER” ever called into service…!!! 🙂
I can certainly understand that.
It certainly was fortunate last year that I had my modifications done to be able to use the motorhome generator for some house loads just a few days before losing power in the early December storm.
Temperatures here have dropped to early winter levels already. It would appear that we too would have a colder than normal winter. Not cold enough in Pune for fire places and chimneys though!
We may have temperatures dropping below freezing Saturday night. 🙁