Halfway through a post-COVID trip to Colorado, we were stumped by the combination lockbox that contained the key for the Airbnb we were renting for our next stay. We rolled the thumbwheels to the proper combination—multiple times—but it wouldn’t open for us.

Since we couldn’t get in, we needed to contact the Airbnb hosts. Unfortunately, cell phone reception is minimal or nonexistent in that area. The nearest town is about 5 miles away so that is where we headed to try to contact the hosts, Anu and/or Gana. Anu responded to my message immediately! (Note: this is the first time we’ve used Airbnb so the site and messaging were new to us.)

Anu tried to explain what we needed to do, but it seemed that we had tried everything she suggested. Both she and Gana were, separately, in Denver so wouldn’t be able to make it to the house for quite a while. I told her we’d go back to the house and try again.
Once we were back, Karen went on the porch, tried the lockbox, and had it open before I was able to see what she had done.
Four days later after a very pleasant stay in a wonderful mountain setting, we were supposed to put the key back in the lockbox. It was only after I had it open that I realized it was a different box than what had given us fits. Anu had mentioned that they might need to but she had also said that no one else had had a problem with it.
I plan to post more later about our stay in this Airbnb home where a glacier-fed stream runs through the property.

This is cross-posted at Haw Creek.
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Interesting to read … kind of problem one doesn’t need – just enjoy time away – cheers Hilary
Thanks — we did enjoy the trip… except for the crowds and traffic around popular destinations. We made it back home day before yesterday.
Moral of the story, leave matters to Karen to sort out when in trouble!
I’m the one that usually figures out problems like this. She had tried the lock just as many times as I did before we went to town and just pulled on the lockbox a different way when we got back.
That happened to us years ago. It was at a condo in South Carolina, overlooking Lake Marion. It sounds like an exact repeat of our situation also! 🙂
The one they replaced it with had a slide switch that would open the box when the combination is set in.