Thousands of thin, sickly, tired out folks report Kelpamalt, new mineral Concentrate, adds extra lbs, new strength and energy the first week. (click on image to go to larger version)

Vintage ad from April 1937 Popular Science
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My firm belief, it’s all in the genes. Which is why, without exception, in my close and extended family) whether male or female no one is lacking in being (effortlessly) in shape. Lucky us. Mind you there is always the exception to the rule. So whilst everyone around (male and female) was pretty lank, swish and slender, including one of my sisters, she succumbed to the two dis-eases of the time. Namely, anorexia, closely followed by bulimia. Same difference. Unfortunately this was before it was well documented so I didn’t spot the signs. Hence couldn’t help her. How do you help someone you don’t know needs help?
As to pills … As far as I am concerned life is a bowl of cherries. Eat them. Spit the kernels.
I’m envious. It’s a struggle for me, but not for Karen.