Photos and exploring August 8, 2014 – after lunch.
Rankin Ridge trail is a 1 mile loop trail through a ponderosa pine forest in Wind Cave National Park. There are several points, such as the one below, where the peaks of the Black Hills can be viewed and others overlooking the South Dakota plains to the east.

After we finished Rankin Ridge trail, we went down into Custer State Park and, along the way, saw some antelope and elk.

We’ve never seen such a tight herd of elk before. It was different, with young bucks mixed in with females and calves.

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Hi Mike – just love the scenery … the Ponderosa Pine Forest looks so cool and comforting – while offering great views. Lovely antelope and elk … it’s great you’re having such a good trip – cheers Hilary
Thanks. This was a good hike and we’ve had several more since. Bad cell connections and little internet, so I’ll have a bit to post down the road.