I’ve enjoyed photography for many, many years. Unfortunately, for most of those years, it was too much an expensive indulgence to do the photography that I would like to have done — and then, after the film was developed, the better prints would end up in an album, or a box, and the negatives would be tossed in a bigger box, filled with all of the negatives from past years.
And, then, of course, the pictures would just sit, seldom looked at and never shared.
Today, though, with digital photography, once you have the camera, you can take as many photos as you desire and share them with whoever you want with very little expense — unless you want prints, and, even then, there is no film to develop.
I take a LOT of pictures. Eventually, most of the better ones will end up in online photo galleries based on the locations and/or subject matter. When we’re not traveling, my photos that I share on the blogs are randomly selected from pictures that have made it to the photo galleries.
This trip, my system — which is evolving from trip to trip — is working much better. Each photo that I feel is worth keeping is processed with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. The adjustments I make, for the most part, are the same a film photographer would make — things like cropping, contrast, color saturation, lightness, darkness, and correction of flaws. I seldom manipulate photos beyond that, though, on some occasions I have to produce a particular effect…, for example, the image of the motor home above, taken in Big Thomson Canyon.
While I still have folders of photos from our May trip that I have yet to “process,” I have done well with the photos from this trip. By the time we get home, I hope that there will only be a very few folders yet to complete and then I will be able to start working on the photo galleries.