Exit78 Photo of the Day #47
In the fall of 2011, we were traveling in southeastern Utah and stopped at Natural Bridges Nation Monument, thinking that the park was far enough off the beaten path and, with it being late in the year, we wouldn’t need reservations. Well, all the sites were full and, even if they hadn’t been, all the sites were very small, too small for our little motorhome and the car that we tow. Fortunately, a ranger at the desk directed us to on overflow camping area a few miles away on BLM land.

A vintage Lazy Daze Class C motorhome in Natural Bridges National Monument overflow camping on nearby BLM land, October 1, 2011 (Pentax K-r)
Besides the Lazy Daze motorhome in the picture and us, there were at least four other RVs in this overflow site. There was plenty of room between all the campers – except for the guy in the class B camper van who decided to camp right next to us!
This is totally dry camping – camping without hookups – and totally free. It was pretty far out in the boonies. Natural Bridge National Monument is a dark sky park – there is no light pollution to wash out the night sky. We had a couple of clear nights at absolutely great views of the night sky. On one of those nights we went to the visitor center for an astronomy program where they had 3 telescopes set up for view objects in the night sky.
Series notes:
- The photos in this series are (usually) randomly selected from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Exit78 Photo of the Day.
- Each photo in this series is an “original work” – a copyright term – of Michael Goad.