A lost Exit78 post, recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; March 2011
The last couple of days have been spent working with an installer, Ron, trying to get my satellite internet system working and training me on how to set it up and use it. It’s a new model and there have been a few wrinkles. When I leave here though, we will be comfortable with the system and I’ll be able to blog from just about anywhere!

Ron is a member of an online forum that I participate in and has an “extra” RV pad at his home just for friends — which is where we are currently camped. He is retired and does the install for other forum members at the one price no matter how long it takes. He wants to make sure that they will be able to handle it once they leave.
We’ve also been sharing supper with Ron and his wife — three times in their house and once at The Black Bull Saloon and Steakhouse in a town about 30 minutes from here — lots of good discussions and stories.

We sat at a table right next to the built in wine rack – the image below is from their home page.

Even though we had originally only planned a couple of days here, we’re going to end up being here for a full week, it appears. Seems there’s a couple of events in the area that might be interesting, with more opportunities for pictures.
Comments on "Online with our own satellite dish!"
September 7, 2007
teeni @ 8:08 am
Wow – that Ron seems like a great guy, making sure you know what you’re doing before you leave and having an RV pad to stay at. That is wonderful. Also, very cool built-in winerack. Looking forward to posts on the area’s events!
Opal Tribble @ 9:00 am
That’s a sweet set up! Ron sounds like a fabulous guy!