Exit78 Photo of the Day #94

Onions in a metal basket, January 28, 2018 (Pentax K-3 II)
on·ion ənyən/
noun: onion; plural noun: onions
1. an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell, composed of several concentric layers, used in cooking.
2. the plant that produces the onion, with long rolled or straplike leaves and spherical heads of greenish-white flowers.
Origin: Middle English: from Old French oignon, based on Latin unio(n-), denoting a kind of onion.
Series notes:
- The photos in this series are (usually) randomly selected from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Exit78 Photo of the Day.
- Each photo in this series is an “original work” – a copyright term – of Michael Goad.