We are, as a rule, punctual — generally early, even when we are traveling across several states to visit. We hate to be late.
Recently, we were to pick up our grandson, Utah, at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock. We were early and had plenty of time to make it to the gate where we were to meet him – we thought.
Utah, 13, was traveling as an unescorted minor. To be able go past airport security to meet him at the gate, we had to get passes at United Airlines.
The ticket agents were so ……. s l o w.
However, we weren’t concerned as there is hardly ever much of a line at the security check point – we still had plenty of time… we thought.

There were so many people there this time that it was like being in line for a popular ride at an amusement park, except it was inside and most of the people had carryon bags.
Utah’s flight was on time and our time margin was gone.
It was my first time through airport security since security was beefed up so much. My last flight was in 2002 coming home from Alaska.
As the line inched its way forward, I monitored the progress of Utah’s flight on my iPhone. Texting, Karen kept our daughter, Jessica, up to date on hers.
The line was moving so slowly and the plane was getting closer and closer to the airport.
We started to try to figure out if we would be able to see Utah if the plane landed before we got there and he left the gate area to go to the airport entrance or baggage claim area after he got off.
Finally we made it to the checkpoint and breezed on through.
The plane was on the ground and taxiing to the gate.
Fortunately, Little Rock airport is not very large so we got to Gate 5 fairly quickly. There was a little bit of confusion as there was already a plane at that gate while the plane we assumed Utah was on appeared to be sitting on the tarmac, waiting. After a few minutes, the plane waiting on the tarmac moved toward another gate just down the concourse.
It did turn out to be Utah’s flight. We were there to meet him – just in time.