I’ve been looking at a LOT of material related to climate change.
I’ve learned enough about it that I’m NOT going to simply accept what is being put out by the media and by government.
However, in going down this path I didn’t want to hijack Exit78 and make it into a niche blog on climate change, so I created still another blog.
It’s called On Climate and it’s an Exit78 spin off. I’ll be posting on things that I’ve learned, views that I’ve developed, material that I’ve discovered, and climate related news. I’ll also be posting links to videos, news, and other climate related pages.
While I may on occasion still mention things related to climate here, it’ll be an exception rather than the rule.
For those that might want to visit On Climate, I’ve added a link. Right now it’s on the top menu bar, though it may move to another location.
If I get any comments there, I expect that they’ll be a lot more focused and, there may be some who flat out disagree with what I’m posting. I’ll have to publish a comment policy, of course, and it will probably be very similar to the one that I have here.
On another note, I plan to get back to posting more photos here in the near future.
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Climate change is one of those subjects that when mentioned I feel like blurting out, "Ok! Would someone please tell me what the heck is going on here!?" It's a subject that hasn't had enough said about it (I know, surprising) and that is constantly used and misused to push a political agenda or win political support. In other words, I'd really like someone to set the record straight. Nice idea for a blog.
<abbr>Ryan’s last blog post..Just In Case</abbr>
I've already got two posts published at On Climate and the title for the next post has been tentatively decided. It sort of answers your wish on setting the record straight.
"Change is what climate does." That's the bottom line.
Right now, we can't stop it. Average global temperature has been going down for at least 6 years and the general trend may continue to be cooling for 20 to 40 years.
There is NO proof that humans have any impact on climate.
Congrats on the new blog. I agree that it makes sense to create a separate blog for this topic.
Oh, I will be very interested in following your thoughts and findings on this subject. I definitely don't trust all the info that is "fed" to us.
<abbr>teeni’s last blog post..Catching Up</abbr>
On an unrelated note- why do I get a weird screen with parent directories when I click on your header picture?
<abbr>Michelle Gartner’s last blog post..Vintage Toaster Bacon & High School Wrestling</abbr>
Vered – Thanks. I prefer to maintain variety here.
teeni – I'll probably be posting there about once a wee k or so.
Michelle – Thanks. I had a setting in my theme set to the wrong directory.
Great idea to split the blog, but keep it on the same domain name. This way you keep it all 'in house' without mixing your content.
Ryan took the words right out of my mouth. Not enough concrete information shared about it. We're mostly fed partial truths that are pushing agendas. Looking forward to reading your insight. I see you've got some posts already. Eric
<abbr>Eric Hamm’s last blog post..A Night In The ER Really Gets You Thinking</abbr>
Eric – Thanks. From what I can see so far, it's more than just partial truths. There is quite a bit of stuff accepted as fact or truth that is little better than a second or third hand myth — almost like an urban legend. And some facts just get bent to fit the message.