I don’t have any, yet.
And I won’t.
New Year resolutions have never particularly appealed to me. I can’t say that I’ve ever actually made any, that I recall – and, if I did, I’m sure I broke them.
What I do have, on the other hand is intentions. My intentions have little to do with whether it’s a new year or not.
These intentions are personal – and subject to change.
One of my intentions is to continue regular physical exercise. For exercise, 2014 was a pretty good year. The only extended break from hitting the gym was during our 8 weeks trip to the Rocky Mountain states, but we got in a fair amount of exercise on our hikes.
I would have liked to have lost more weight, but 10 lbs. and one size smaller in pants, is progress in the right direction.
And I feel better – a result, I’m sure, from both the exercise and the reduced weight.
Do you make New Year Resolutions?
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Hi Mike .. fortunately not – they’ve always been broken very quickly. Glad you’ve been able to lose some sizing … I’ve done that too – and more exercise will be forthcoming later in the year …
Other things – must get the blog sorted out .. etc etc …
Happy New Year to you both .. health and happiness to us all .. cheers Hilary
Yeah, getting the blog sorted out – I can relate to that. Here it is 3 days into 2015 and I’ve already done as many posts as November and December combined. More frequent and regular blogging is another on of my “intentions,” for however long that “good” intention lasts.
Oh crumbs … I’m giving a talk on the Industrial Revolution on Monday .. I suspect involved for 2 hours … so my time is slightly not my own right now … and blog posts will come when they come .. as is my norm!! I’ll see how I do tomorrow and hope to get one up a.s.a.p. … when that is we will see!!
Cheers for now – cup of tea needed! H
I know what you mean. There’s a chance that I may be going back to work and it may be for an extended period. If so, it’ll likely be my last contract job. It’ll be challenging keeping up with the exercise and the blogging. I’ll try to make the exercise the priority.
Happy new year to you and Karen. My only resolution is to wake up each day for as long as I can!
That’s a good resolution for us all! 😉