New Post

 I’ve just started using a new iPad and decided to try writing a blog post using it.  I tried a couple of times with my old iPad, but it just didn’t seem to work out.

I use the iPad to watch shows when I am walking on the treadmill.  Currently, I am on season 2 of Game of Thrones.  I tried reading the kindle while walking, but that was disorienting.  I also tried watching the big-screen TV in the living room, which is where we have the treadmill, but it is off to the right too far for it to be comfortable to watch while I am walking.  The iPad with Bluetooth earbuds works out great, though.

This iPad is the newest generation iPad with plenty of storage space for downloading shows to watch if we are away from cellular signals and internet access.

I am using a Bluetooth keyboard for composing this post.  I certainly would not want to try to use the onscreen keyboard for that, though I am sure it is doable.  If I were to use the iPad for frequent writing, I would probably want to get a Bluetooth mouse for iPad.

I will have to pronounce this blog post “test” a success.  It will certainly be something to consider if we are far off-grid in our travels and we go somewhere to publish the post away from the camper where there is connectivity.  The iPad is certainly smaller and lighter than our laptops.  That would certainly be worth considering if we fly anywhere.

There is one additional benefit I wouldn’t think to mention except for an experience from last year’s trip.  When I went to use my laptop in Laramie, Wyoming, I discovered that I had left the power adapter at home.  I couldn’t find one locally so we ended up driving 65 miles to Ft. Collins, Colorado.  The lightning power cords are interchangeable and available everywhere.

I also didn’t have a lightning to SD card reader to allow use of photos from my Pentax camera.  That would be another purchase to make before our next trip.

Given all this, the iPad is certainly a feasible option for blog posts.  However, at home, I prefer my desktop computer and, for most instances, when traveling, I will probably use my laptop for blog posting.


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  • Ramana Rajgopaul Oct 16, 2020 Link

    The outcome is quite good and I could not tell the difference. I personally prefer to use the desktop as I found the tablets difficult to use as I touch type.

  • Mike Goad Oct 16, 2020 Link


    I never learned to completely touch type, though I can “hunt and peck” with a regular keyboard fairly quickly. As soon as we bought our original iPads back in 2014, we bought protective cases that had bluetooth keyboards, so we have seldom needed to use the onscreen keyboards.

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