2004 Honda CR-V
Though we hadn’t really talked about, Karen and I had been looking forward to the day when we could get a newer car. The 2004 CR-V was what Karen primarily drove and what we took, most of the time, if we were going somewhere together.
It also just happened to be the car we tow behind our motorhome.
However, it was 7 years old, with over 130,000 miles on it. Though it has been extremely reliable, with that high of mileage, it’s getting closer and closer to the point where I don’t like for drive very far away – and, when I’m working, she periodically goes to see her mom, who lives about 2 1/2 hours from here.
The time was approaching for a new car, but we figured it would be a year or so away.
Then we had the December 26th car accident….

2010 Honda CR-V.
And, of course, we’ll be able to tow it behind our motorhome.