This Prescription Coffee Mug at Zazzle by Carla Rolfe is pretty cool!
While sitting at the computer sipping my first cup of the day, I thought I’d share it.

This Prescription Coffee Mug at Zazzle by Carla Rolfe is pretty cool!
While sitting at the computer sipping my first cup of the day, I thought I’d share it.
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Nice, but early in the morning I need to check out the real meds. and wash them down with water. I am usually wide awake before I go round the coffee route.
The first thing I do when I get up is to turn on the coffee pot — Karen usually sets it up the night before. I used to get a cup on the way to work or the gym. Karen didn’t drink the stuff. Then she discovered the fancy stuff at the coffee bars and now she fixes it for herself at home.
When I read that red wine was good for the heart, I started drinking some 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe’s (Chuck is Charles Shaw). Now it’s 3 bucks.
Now I hear coffee is good for you. I can’t bring myself to drink that bitter stuff, but I drink green tea.
Karen didn’t start drinking coffee until she was in her 50s. She started out with fancy stuff from coffee bars; now she has all the sweetener and flavors she needs here at home. I’m sure she wouldn’t drink it the way I do — black and bitter.
Maybe what you like to drink or eat is mostly habit. I eat 100% chocolate (because it’s “good for you”) & it’s almost-black and bitter. ???
Hi Mike … I got the coffee habit as a kid – I know .. but then it was milky coffee – I guess that faded with school, and ultimately when I moved out and lived in digs …
I love coffee in the morning – plain simply Nescafe – nothing fancy … I occasionally have a coffee during the day – but it’s rare … I really don’t like tea or coffee much.
Love the mug though – fun .. cheers Hilary
I started drinking coffee regularly when I was in the Navy. I started out drinking it with sugar added, but, after going to sea, went to just black and bitter.
Alas it is freshly brewed tea with grated ginger that does the trick for me! My one mug of coffee everyday except when I go out is a mid morning one brewed in a stove top espresso machine!
🙂 I need to drink more tea and snack less. I had developed a bit of a regular habit before our trip, but, since getting home, I haven’t had any tea, just slipped back into older habits.
I haven’t drunk coffee in years, but I love the mug. 😀
I like the cup, too, though I likely wouldn’t use it. I prefer my Thermos® travel mug as I can sip from it for hours and the coffee stays hot.