March 27, 2004 – Last weekend, returning from Texas, we found that our computer had locked up… to the point that it would not reboot. Since our most important material is already stored on-line, it wasn’t that big a deal to just go ahead and reformat the hard-drive so that I could limit the amount of down-time – or so I thought. Big mistake. I forgot that there were a lot of other things that were stored on it with no backup, things like our Skedaddle subscriber list and – even worse – the Christmas pictures. Years ago, we used to have a tape backup – more trouble than it was worth – that we never needed since the hard-drive never crashed. Fortunately, we had been having some problems a few months ago and I put all of our digital photos on CD and gave a copy to each of our daughters. Also a lot of our old files were backed up at that time on CD. Now when I have a few moments….
June 19, 2019 – So far, this is my earliest blog post that I have been able to locate. It was a originally posted on a blog I titled “Skedaddle Web Blog,” which was mostly on additions and changes to a Civil War related web site. I’m reposting it to Exit78 on the original date for historical continuity of my early blogging endeavors in one online location. All that I have changed is the addition of the image and a few typographical edits.