Light Pollution…. and the Milky Way

We’re camped a little over 6 miles from the western entrance of Yellowstone National Park. I had just finished picking up my tools after setting up our internet satellite dish – and happened to look up.

The sky was dark, but we have a street light right next to our camper at this campground, so I didn’t expect to see the inky black sky inset with thousands of twinkling stars. However, I was standing in the shadow of the camper which blocked the light from the street light.

Looking west, south, and north, there was no light pollution from surrounding towns – because there are no surrounding towns in those directions. To the east is the town of West Yellowstone and there was some light there, but not much.

I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve seen such a starry night. It was easy to make out the Milky Way and the major constellations – at least the ones that I can still remember.

Most of the time, I simply do not have the opportunity as there are so many trees where we live that block the view. As well, there is a lot more humidity in the air which contributes to atmospheric haze that blocks starlight and diffuses the light of towns and cities over a wide area.

Over too much of the US, light pollution from the urbanization of America limits the view of the night sky.

Starry, Starry Night…..

camping, now that’s cool!, on the road, Uncategorized, weather

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