A lost Exit78 post , recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; June 2011

This is the beginnings of a Mariner’s Compass king size quilt — the center.
Karen has been planning to do a new Mariner’s compass for quite some time. She is using material from a fabric line that has been discontinued, having done an extensive search to augment what she already had, including contacting the two ladies who had designed the line. They both had some left that they were willing to sell if she couldn’t find some “locally.” On our last trip to Little Rock, she found all that she needed.
Completely self-taught, Karen has become quite an accomplished quilter. For more of her quilts see her web-site and blog.
Karen @ 9:25 pm
Opal I saw your comment so thought I would answer it, I have not sold anything on line. I mostly make quilts for myself and for the family. I occasionally sell quilts at the Historic Arkansas Museum gift shop in Little Rock Arkansas and have been doing that for the past 7 years I think. I like to live life as stress free as possible so I do not take special orders. I do only hand quilting and so I charge a bit for my quilts and have found the museum shop to be ideal for my two to four sales a year.
Opal Tribble @ 8:47 am
That’s a lovely quilt. I’ve been by her blog a few times. Does she sell any online? I don’t think I saw anything about that on her blog.