Kaibab Squirrel

Kaibab Squirrel, North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, October 4, 2011
Kaibab squirrel, North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, October 4, 2011

Kaibab squirrel (Wikipedia)

The Kaibab squirrel (Sciurus aberti kaibabensis) is a tassel-eared squirrel that lives in the Kaibab Plateau in the Southwest United States, in an area of 20 by 40 miles (30 by 60 km). The squirrel’s habitat is confined entirely to the ponderosa pine forests of the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park and the northern section of Kaibab National Forest around the town of Jacob Lake, Arizona.

This squirrel is not found anywhere else in the world. In 1965, 200,000 acres (800 km²) of Kaibab squirrel habitat within Grand Canyon National Park and Kaibab National Forest were declared the Kaibab Squirrel National Natural Landmark.

autumn, colorado, critters, parks, photography, Travel Photos, wild life

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  • hilarymb Aug 11, 2015 Link

    Hi Mike – what an amazing animal – wonderful photo. Long may he and his kind survive … the Ponderosa Pine makes me imagine much …

    Cheers Hilary

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