It’s almost April and, for the most part, it still looks like winter. Working outside yesterday, I was still wearing a sweatshirt. It was about 55°F (10.2°C) and quite breezy.

We’ve been working clearing some overgrown areas and taking care of some weather damage to trees. We think the dead tree above died due to the 2012 drought.
I was waiting for felling wedges ordered Duluth Trading Company before dropping this tree. I wanted to try a different technique for felling trees that park director Terri Dinesen told us about when we were checking in at Minnesota’s Upper Sioux Agency State Park. It came up when she was explaining why the office had been closed. She had spotted us in the parking lot as she was driving by from working safety monitor for a worker felling a tree elsewhere in the park.
I dropped that tree exactly where I wanted to.
I hadn’t used the gas-powered chainsaw since last year. It’s been a real pain to start, even after it was in the shop last year. After it wouldn’t start yesterday, I’d had it – time for something different.
I’ve been using an electric chainsaw with a 10-inch bar. It can be used by itself or mounted on a pole for pruning branches. However, it’s too small for cutting down larger trees like the dead pine.
We really don’t cut enough to warrant one of the better gasoline powered chainsaws. But what about a larger electric saw?

That’s what we bought – at about 1/3 the cost of the better gas-powered saw.

I’m chainsaw “carving” one section of the log for a planter for Karen, with the understanding that it will rot in place, providing nutrients for a small flower bed as it does.
Note: I’m using a bunch of Karen’s pictures for this post. She takes a lot of pictures for use on her blog, Quilt’s… etc..
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Hi Karen – always good to see a man at work!! Actually having Mike around must be very good news – knows what he’s doing .. and your photography matches up …
Cheers to you both .. Hilary
Actually, the post is by me — Mike — I just used some of Karen’s pictures.
Some husbands saw, and some like me and Chuck cook. Not much difference really!
Yeah, I’m not much of a cook. 😉
Like your planter Mike… or rather your wife’s planter. Checked out the photos on her site. That Pileated Woodpecker certainly did a number on that tree. Living in the city I don’t have much need for a chain saw but I do have a electric reciprocating saw and with the right blades, they do a heck of a good job on small limbs up to medium size limbs and the like. I love mine.
Thanks. Finished “carving” today.
I’ve used our reciprocating saw on limbs in the past. Even with demolition blades, it doesn’t do as well as a well sharpened chain saw. I sometimes use the reciprocating saw to cut small trunks flush with the ground level rather than chancing dulling the chain.
Are you finished? I have a few little tree limbs that need sawing. I am no long happy to climb a ladder with a chain saw. I did ask someone to do a paid job for me last year, but he hacked my bushes to bits and I am left with an ugly mess and a disappearing view. 😛
No. 🙁 — I’m never ever done with all the things that need doing. I can’t say as I have ever been on a ladder with a chain saw. I have a pole saw for things that are too high. 😉
The pole saw would not work for me. I would have to hold my arms up and that way I lose the power in them. I might have to give in to the idea of ageing. 🙁
My arms having been feeling the efforts of the last few days. They seem to tighten up during the night and I end up getting up for a while to work the kinks out. I’m getting plenty of upper body activity.
I love seeing what you’re doing. Thank you both so much.
Thanks, Jean! 😉
Hi Mike – I was teasing .. I realised you’d posted and used Karen’s pictures … but great leaving the tree there for all good things to use as it quietly rots away … my brother and his wife have the same .. daffodils grow around, plus lots of little insects and mammals creep and crawl around .. cheers Hilary
After I replied to the comment, I figured that out. We’re only using about a 8 to 10 foot section for a planter. The rest of it has been cut up, but has yet to be moved.