Hoarding… shortages… toilet paper… meat…
One would think that we are past that.
I mean, the shortages last year were because we all of a sudden were living differently, right? And the supply chains and shipping were screwed up because of the pandemic.
More people were staying at home. A lot of people were working from home. A lot of people weren’t working at all. School was disrupted. Everything was SO screwed up.
That can’t happen again, right?
We shouldn’t have to worry about shortages… toilet paper… meat…, right?
I think we might try to pick up a little bit of extra stuff… to stick away… just in case.
But, we’re not going to worry about shortages, right?
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Nuts! Remember the panic about toilet paper?
Yep. The shelves were nearly empty for months.
Our big problem right now is a shortage of health care workers.
I’m a long-time prepper. I learned from my parents, and continued doing the same thing as an adult. So keeping items in stock is nothing new. I cannot say I fault some folks for panicking during that time of shut-down, if they are tuned into media sources or various groups out there weren’t helping matters at all. I did not pay too much attention to those sources, so it didn’t affect me at all. I could go on a long rant about that; however, I’m not touching that topic at all.
I did not hoard during the pandemic, since I keep adequate supplies. My reason is simple; there can be weeks when I don’t venture to the store. Then, of course, I might go elsewhere, but shopping has always been my most minor favorite activity. The only item I did have to purchase was flour. I could not find that anywhere. Easy fix, I bought two 50 pound bags from a restaurant supply store. As a result, I baked 100% of our bread during the shut-down for my family and others.
Even before the pandemic stores that allowed me to buy online, and pick up at customer service was something, I always did. Now, I rarely go into department/grocery stores. However, book stores, nurseries, and small businesses are places I still don’t mind frequenting.
Karen normally goes shopping one or two times a week. We did stock up with some stuff during the early days of the pandemic but only because there were shortages and, when some of those things would show up on store shelves, we would take advantage to purchase some, but not to excess.
There are still some things that we can’t find on local store shelves, like hot dog relish and hot Chinese mustard, so those we have ordered online.
About the only place I go regularly is the home improvement store.