We are currently camping in the Great Smokey National Park. We were hoping to do some hiking but the rain has made longish hikes something we’re not willing to try. We have no desire to get thouroughly soaked.

There are more images at Out ‘n About
We are currently camping in the Great Smokey National Park. We were hoping to do some hiking but the rain has made longish hikes something we’re not willing to try. We have no desire to get thouroughly soaked.
There are more images at Out ‘n About
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Hi Mike. I'm jealous. Rain or no rain, I'm a camper in every sense of the word. Enjoy!
<abbr>Davina’s last blog post..Positively Breathing — Affirmation 1</abbr>
Sorry about the rain… but the photos are fantastic. I won't hike in the rain, but I am notorious for fishing in a downpour while everyone sits for hours in the tent or car.
Oh, way cool! You saw a bear!
<abbr>Urban Panther’s last blog post..Is this a mid-life crisis?</abbr>
Oh, I miss the rain and the green landscapes………………..:)
Mike — I love the bear. I used to spend time in the Smokies, but agree totally about hiking in the rain…no fun:~(
I hope you guys have a wonderful trip and more picture to share with us!
<abbr>Sara’s last blog post..To Boldly Go Anger Free</abbr>
So, would that be Smokey the Bear? 😉
I looked at the pics on your other site as well and some of the bears were a little too close for me! 😯 The photos are fantastic, as usual, though. 🙂
<abbr>teeni’s last blog post..The Name Is</abbr>
Davina – It is enjoyable, even with the rain. Of course, since we've escaped the even worse and longer rain back home, it's even batter.
Michelle – Thanks. We don't hike in the rain if we can help it, though we've taken umbrellas along for a couple of hikes this trip — just in case.
Panther – We saw FOUR bear! Three the same day the picture was taken and then one just as we entered Shenandoah National Park.
Lisa – The green landscapes are similar to what we have in Arkansas. However, the mountains make our Ozarks look like molehills.
Sara – The Smokies are great and I'm sure we'll be back again, hopefully when it's not quite so wet.
Dan – Nope, none of them were Smokey Bear.
teeni – Thanks. The bears were actually quite a ways away. I used a telephoto lens and we were in the car.