These five blank notebooks were a Chistmas gift from our oldest daughter, Melanie, and her husband Richard. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll be using them. It certainly won’t be for journaling or notebooking. But I will use them, in some form or fashion, probably in some way related to my blogging.
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They may be hoping that you will start writing a book!
No. It was more a stab in the dark to give me something that I might use. I’m terribly hard to buy gifts for. Mel did good with this.
Hi Mike – they look ideal for all sorts of things – glad she found something that satisfied her father! Happy New Year to you both … cheers Hilary
Thanks Hilary — I’m sure they will be useful. I’m actually using the larger one right now to keep track of the albums on Flickr as I go through each one selecting photos for an inventory of photo “favorites” to be used on my Haw Creek blog ( http://haw-creek.com/ ). That’s where I get the most traffic and occasional revenue, so, now that I’m not working, I’m ramping things up over there. 😉