Twelve year old son of a cotton sharecropper near Cleveland, Mississippi

1937 June.
photographer: Dorothea Lange
Part of: Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photograph Collection
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 USA
Eyes of the Great Depression 018 – March 17, 2009,
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I'm really enjoying (well, that's not the right word for it) this series. They all look so much older than they are. It must have been incredibly traumatic.
<abbr>Dot’s last blog post..Impatient to Learn</abbr>
He is so serious and too cute. I just want to rescue all these people from whatever circumstances they are dealing with. But then again, I wonder if they actually fared better than we will in this day and age. The future is pretty scary right now.
<abbr>teeni’s last blog post..Better Late Than Never – The Good Will Pill Pattern!</abbr>
The teacher from across the street popped in to pick up his mail while I was looking at this post. He said looks like the two homeless kids in my classroom – they still have more hope at age 9!
Very interesting series. Thank you for the posts
<abbr>Patricia’s last blog post..Announcing a Writing Contest – With a Financial Incentive!</abbr>
Dot – I think it's all relative to what their experiences were. What would be very traumatic to us today might not have been back then.
teeni – I agree. There are some scary paths that we could end up going down.
Patricia – Interesting contribution in your comment. Some of the "tent cities" I've been seeing on the news reminds me of some of the pictures of migrant camps, Hoovervilles and other homeless camps of the 30s.