Faces out of time #1

Dorothea Lange, Resettlement Administration photographer, in California, February 1936

Dorothea Lange (May 26, 1895 – October 11, 1965) was an influential American documentary photographer and photojournalist, best known for her Depression-era work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). Lange’s photographs humanized the consequences of the Great Depression and influenced the development of documentary photography. (wikipedia)
Dorothea Lange, Resettlement Administration photographer, in California. California, 1936. Feb. Photograph retrieved from the Library of Congress, http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2017759800/. (Accessed November 04, 2017.)
Call Number: LC-USF34- 002392-E [P&P]
- File print filed under “Lange, Dorothea” in the Biographical File in the Prints and Photographs Division Reading Room at the Library of Congress. Print formerly filed in the FSA-OWI classified file under C34.
- Title and other information from caption card.
- U.S. Farm Security
Administration/Office of War Information Black & White Photographs - Library of Congress Prints and
Photographs Division
Note – This image has been digitally adjusted for one or more of the following:
– fade correction,
– color, contrast, and/or saturation enhancement
– selected spot and/or scratch removal
– cropped for composition and/or to accentuate subject matter
– straighten image
Revised and updated; Originally published June 22, 2012