The outlook seems to continue look grim as the pandemic aggressively worsens across the country.
Reports to the states from the White House coronavirus task force warn, “There is now aggressive, unrelenting, expanding broad community spread across the country, reaching most counties, without evidence of improvement but rather, further deterioration. Current mitigation efforts are inadequate and must be increased to flatten the curve to sustain the health system for both Covid and non-Covid emergencies.”
“The language in the weekly reports, which offer the administration’s most unvarnished picture of the pandemic, has become increasingly dire in recent weeks, matching the severity of the current situation.” CNN
Arkansas’ cases are setting one or more records daily. The number of new total cases per day averaged over the last 30 days reached 1,228 cases/day on Tuesday, an increase of 30 over Monday. The actual case count increase Tuesday was 1,554.

In a national ranking of new cases per 100,000 people in the United States and District of Columbia, Arkansas ranks 22nd. This is one of those rankings where high middle of the pack is bad. Only 3 states have less than 100 cases per 100,000: Maine, Vermont, and Hawaii.

For Arkansas, the task force report said:
- Given the change in the slope in the last two weeks post Halloween, Arkansas is on the precipice of a rapid, accelerating
increase in cases which will be followed with new hospital admissions. - Arkansas is in the red zone for cases – 101 or more new cases per 100,000 population –, with the 22nd highest rate in the country.
- Arkansas had 367 new cases per 100,000 population, compared to a national average of 294 per 100,000.
- Arkansas is in the red zone for test positivity, indicating a rate at or above 10.1%, with the 27th highest rate in the country.
- 81% of all counties in Arkansas have moderate or high levels of community transmission (yellow, orange, or red zones), with 55% having high levels of community transmission (red zone).
With the upcoming holidays, the task force says, “On university campuses, students are letting their guards down with Thanksgiving break less than a week away.”
Happy Holidays… Stay safe.
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As long as the two of you are being very careful, this too should pass. If it is any consolation, the global situation except in China and a few other smaller countries, is not any different.
We are being very careful and will continue to do so even after we have been vaccinated.
Most modern disasters are quick. Communities or regions are hit hard and fast and then have to deal with the consequences.
This pandemic is a slow, insidious worldwide disaster that will have long-lasting devastating effects.
I’m glad you’re being careful. That’s one of the most patriotic things we can do.
I so agree with that!
Unfortunately, there are so many people who don’t understand. It frustrates us and our oldest daughter. She was working from home today and came up the hill for part of her lunch hour and spent it with us for a porch visit. When her lunch hour was about over, rather than use our bathroom, since she is more out in the public, she went back down to where she lives.
At her workplace, she is more out where patrons have access than some of the other people and she makes sure she and patrons follow COVID guidelines. In the office area, workers often don’t wear their masks. They say that only applies in public areas which they interpret as where the patrons are. The actual mask requirement is “all indoor environments, excluding private residences, where they are exposed to non-household members and distancing of six (6) feet or more cannot be assured.”
As I’ve said, a lot of people do not understand and really don’t want to. Willful ignorance is contributing to the problem.
Hi Mike – it’s a challenge … but we can only look after ourselves as best we can … all the best to you – we’re debating Christmas here – which for us is more important. Luckily I’m in a relatively low risk area … take care – Hilary
Hi Hilary,
The pandemic would be a challenge in the best of times. Nationally, it was mishandled by our current administration, the leader of which refuses to concede losing the election. Conspiracy theories over the election and the pandemic are rife.
I have learned the hard way that it generally useless to engage, though I have seen a couple change course after going through a COVID scare. One guy was always posting “Don’t be scared.” or some such on my pandemic related Facebook posts. Then he got sick and was concerned he might have COVID. He didn’t. It was related to some chemicals he was using in a remodeling project. Now, though, he’s posting about COVID related precautions.
Odd world these days. Be safe!