Like most Americans, I had never heard of the satirical Charlie Hebdo weekly French newspaper before today. It’s fare is not that kind that I would be interested in, even if it were available in English.
No matter how irreverent and insulting the periodical’s content, though, nothing it could have published – words and pictures – could have warranted the systematic, brutal attack that took place earlier today – nothing.
The ideology behind this, unless stopped, is a danger to the future stability of the world. There was likely three people working together in a terrorist cell and they are certainly not going to be the last. There is no doubt in my mind that other attacks will occur – and some will make it to America.
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I’m also worried about the backlash against all Muslims: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/08/world/europe/paris-attack-reflects-a-dangerous-moment-for-europe.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
This certainly doesn’t help already heightened anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim tensions. This attack only stokes that fire, as it very likely was intended to.
Here is a sane Muslim voice but he will be in the minuscule minority of Muslims everywhere. Like the Muslim world’s reaction to 9/11, this too is, and I am convinced that it is, being celebrated in the entire Muslim world as a justifiable act of retribution. Free speech is alien to them. I reiterate, I am Islamophobic but not Muslimphobic.
Too many will be celebrating, I’m sure.
(I moved the link to the original comment and deleted the second comment)
Hi Mike – I’ve been aware of the cartoonists being villified before yesterday – but free speech, free ideas are essential and fundamentals to our lives.
It is shocking for their families and for society as a whole. Hilary
I knew of the issue, but it’s not something I’ve paid much attention to.
The problem isn’t the religion, it’s societal.
One problem that I’ve always had with Islam is the way that women are treated in many Islamic countries. A take-away for me on this terrible event is that even the way women is treated is not the religion, it’s the societal interpretation of Islam in those rigid countries. Those same countries also have limitations on expression of ideas and values. Say the wrong thing and journalists can be arrested for heresy.
Not that I am against Muslims. But I am less worried about the backlash against them, as I am worried about another attack happening. We have had two in Canada just a few months ago, a soldier killed in each one.
I agree. It’s going to happen.
I saw that Kevin Vickers was named ambassador to Ireland.