The last three nights, we’ve been camped in the mountains west of Stanley, Idaho, at Bull Trout Campground. Our camp site is close to a small lake, Martin Lake. It’s a natural mountain lake, with very clear water.

The weather overall has been good since we got here. I think it might have got up to 80°F the first afternoon after we got here. Highs the next couple of days were in the mid to lower 70s, with lows at night in the low 40s. This morning the low was 41.1°F at 7:06 a.m.
The road coming in is a 2 mile dirt road. It was very dry and the surface was like powder. Even driving very slow, it billowed up around us. When we got into the campground, the car, which we tow behind the motorhome, was covered in dust. I used our broom to sweep the worst of it off.
Fortunately, though, it rained that night so the road was just fine the next day. Yesterday, it was already dry and starting to kick up a little dust when we drove over it. This is a popular recreational area. On the weekends, there are probably a lot of people in here with various types of motorcycles and all terrain vehicles, which is largely why the road was worked up into such a fine powder on the surface.
We’re moving on today into southwest Montana. We’re going without a reservation as we’ve seen a lot of forest service campgrounds in this area that are not on the reservation system, which right now I’m not very happy with.