When I went back to work in January 2015, I decided that my blogs would go on hiatus, sort of. I stopped actively trying to make money online and have limited blog posts to about 1 per month.
I’ve decided to start doing more blog posts.
One of the reasons I started blogging over ten years ago was to share my photography. I have over 3700 images selected for eventual sharing – and I have a lot of photographs that have yet to be looked at for post-processing.
I don’t intend for my blogs to just be photo blogs. Even though I will be posting photos, there will usually be some sort of personal descriptive content. I won’t, however, be publishing posts with extensive information and links. What with working, I just don’t have the time to devote to extra material.
I’ll be posting here as well as on Haw Creek. Currently, my plan is to not duplicate posts between the blogs. Most of the time, there will be one photo per post. Sometimes, it will just make sense to include more than one. An upcoming example – tomorrow – is several images of a statue from a South Carolina plantation.

Five months into it, work seems to be going well. I’m currently just down and across the hall from the office I worked out of for many years. In my group, all but two instructors have retired in the eight years since I’ve been gone. Three of us, or about 25%, are back working as contractors. It looks like my contract work will last at least another year.
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From your post on Flood Waters, I felt that you would get back to more frequent blogging and I am glad to be proved right.
Actually, what triggered it was a new Thesis “skin” that I’m trying out on another blog and a note from bluehost that I had too many files and directories, which led to fiddling around with other blog related stuff. I’ve reduced the number of files by about a quarter and, somehow, along the way. Started blogging again.
Hi Mike – I’m away til the Autumn … but am glad to see you around again and to catch the update … enjoy the work, and the changes to the blog – advantages and all … less ‘file bumph’ around … cheers Hilary
Thanks, Hilary
I’m still here, Mike, but comments might be a little slower than usual, until my eye is sorted!
I certainly understand that. I hope it improves rapidly>
I’ve had more blogging ‘restarts’ than ANO! 🙂
ANO actually runs pretty steady these days. When Unit 1 shut down in February for the refueling outage, they had run continuously since starting up out of the last refueling outage.
I’m glad work is going well, but also glad you will be blogging more.
Thanks, Jean. I just plan to do a little bit every day. Working with my pictures, it’s easy to schedule posts in advance. I will occasionally insert post on other things, too.
Welcome back! I’ve always enjoyed your blog posts.
Thanks Opal. I just need to keep from gettin’ obsessed with blogging to the point that it adversely affects something else, since work is now consuming a ridiculous amount of time. 😉