Beep……. Beep……. Beep

As I was writing the blog post yesterday afternoon, I kept hearing a beeping sound, something like a smoke alarm when the battery is just about dead. That didn’t make sense, because our smoke alarms are brand new – with 10 year sealed batteries –  just installed last week. Beep…..

For a while I ignored it as I wanted to finish the post before heading in to work. Beep…..

After I got dressed for work Beep…..I started looking for where the sound was coming from. Karen was in town at the gym, followed by shopping, so she couldn’t help.

I stood under the hallway alarm. Beep…..  That wasn’t it.

So, I went and stood under the kitchen alarm.  Beep….. Nope, not there, either.  Sounded like it was coming from the living room. I stood in there for a while and Beep….. couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.

I couldn’t wait around any longer as I needed to head in to work. Beep…..


As I left the house, I grabbed the bag of trash waiting by the front door and took it outside to the trash bin. Beep…..

After I got home from work, I asked Karen if she had thrown out an old smoke alarm.  She had, but it wasn’t beeping.

I wonder if it beeped when the trash was picked up this morning. Beep…..

around home, commentary, humor, life

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  • Rummuser Oct 26, 2017 Link

    Beep. Beep!

    • Mike Oct 26, 2017 Link

      said the Roadrunner.

  • Seriously wondering what it was! Cheers Hilary

    • Mike Oct 27, 2017 Link

      It was the old smoke alarm whose battery had coincidentally run down to the point of the detector starting to beep remind that the battery needed replacement after it had been placed into the trash bag. Karen confirmed that she had discarded into that bag.

  • Rummuser Oct 27, 2017 Link


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