I’ve been having problems accessing some of the editing features for this blog. On many posts, I’ve been unable to shift to text view, where I can see the html level coding for the post. The “Add Media” button hasn’t worked. There have been a couple of other features that weren’t responsive.
It’s been more than a little bit frustrating. I did a search on the problem and the top suggestion was to disable all plugins to see if that would fix the problem.
It did.
The recommendation was to enable each plugin one at a time and check after each to see if that was the one that was causing the problem.
It was CommentLuv Premium.
CommentLuv was originally created over a decade ago by Andy Bailey in the UK. It automatically shared a link to a commenter’s recent post and offered a number of different options associated with comments, spam filtering of comments, ensuring that commenters weren’t “robots,” and more. It was a pretty decent plugin and I upgraded to the premium version to take advantage of some of its features.
Unfortunately Andy was diagnosed with MS several years ago and, while he tried for a while, he was unable to keep up with his coding, including maintaining CommentLuv. At some point after he stopped working with it, another party purchased the plugin and all rights to it. Unfortunately, it seems, they did not choose to honor the “lifetime” CommentLuv Premium purchases, which I see as totally understandable. They were buying the app and the code, not the obligations to existing customers.
The old premium plugin still works but it is no longer available from WordPress, is no longer updated and the link to the plug-in site goes to a garbage link site. A new CommentLuv plugin is available from the new app owners. It doesn’t yet have a premium option which I doubt I would pay the extra cost for as I am not blogging as frequently as I was when I first bought the old premium version.
The new CommentLuv has not been updated in 9 months. It’s been tested through WordPress 5.3.4, but the current revision is 5.5.1.
At least the blog editing features are now working.
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I removed Comments Luv long ago for the same reason and have not had any problem since then. I shall explore if it needs to be reinstalled in consultation with my resident geek. Thanks for the pointer.
“Resident” geek. Hah!
If the new plugin continued to cause the same problem as the old one did, I would have deleted it immediately!