Annoying Video Ad!

We use ads on our blogs over on the side, out of the way.  The ads don’t make us much money, certainly not enough to notice if that little bit of income went away.  It makes us enough to pay for the fees from our internet service provider – the place where our blogs reside, including this one – and a little bit more.

I don’t usually notice ads.  When they have motion and sound, it gets my attention, usually not in a good way.  The ads on our blogs are usually static – no sound, no motion, which is what I prefer.

But the other day, there was this trivago ad… a video ad! Geeeezz…

I turned the sound off immediately. 

I don’t like online audio and video that I’m not in control of.  Even on a news page, I’ll often turn off the video if there is text and read the article rather than watch the video.

I didn’t try to turn the video in the ad off because we’re not supposed to click on the Google ads on our own pages.  That could lead to loss of our Google affiliate account.

Fortunately, this is really rare, so far, for the ads on our blogs.  If it were to happen very often, I would have to change the ad setting, which is something I haven’t done in a while.

blog, commentary, give me a break!, internet, internet income, media/news, perception

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  • Hilary Feb 4, 2018 Link

    Hi Mike – I can’t stand ads – but they seem to be everywhere and my eyes just have to ignore them, as too my brain … it’s a pain, but possible to do – cheers Hilary

    • Mike Feb 4, 2018 Link

      Unless I specifically look at them, I don’t focus in on ads on the internet or in magazines. It’s a lot harder to do that when watching TV, which is why, even for the news, we record just about everything we watch. That way we can zip past the advertising to the next part of the show.

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