American flamingo

Royalty-free images by Mike1 — No. 151 of over 1200 images

American Flamingo, Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, Wisconsin, June 11, 2007

American Flamingo, Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, Wisconsin, June 11, 2007

Henry Vilas Zoo2

Henry Vilas Zoo is a 28-acre (11 ha) public zoo in Madison, Wisconsin, United States, that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Owned by Dane County, the zoo charges no admission or parking fees. It receives over 750,000 visitors annually.

The Henry Vilas Zoo is one of ten remaining free zoos in North America.3

American flamingo4

The American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is a large species of flamingo closely related to the greater flamingo and Chilean flamingo. It was formerly considered conspecific with the greater flamingo, but that treatment is now widely viewed (e.g. by the American and British Ornithologists’ Unions) as incorrect due to a lack of evidence. It is also known as the Caribbean flamingo, although it is also present in the Galápagos Islands. It is the only flamingo that naturally inhabits North America.

Flamingos or flamingoes /fləˈmɪŋɡoʊz/ are a type of wading bird in the family Phoenicopteridae, the only bird family in the order Phoenicopteriformes. Four flamingo species are distributed throughout the Americas, including the Caribbean, and two species are native to Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Post Endnotes

  1. I am sharing some of my public domain images in periodic blog posts.
  2. “Henry Vilas Zoo.” Wikipedia, most recent edit, May 9, 2021. Accessed August 26, 2021…Henry_Vilas_Zoo.
  3. “Welcome to Henry Vilas ZOO: Madison, Wisconsin.” Henry Vilas Zoo, last update, August 23, 2021. Accessed August 26, 2021.
  4. “American Flamingo.” Wikipedia, most recent edit, August 19, 2021. Accessed August 24, 2021.…flamingo.

Series Notes:

  • This image is also shared as public domain on PixabayFlickr, and Pinterest.
  • Images are being shared in the sequence they were accepted by Pixabay, a royalty-free image-sharing site.
  • Only images specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages.
  • All other images are copyright protected by me, creative commons, or used under the provisions of fair use.
america, critters, parks, photography, royalty free, wisconsin
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