We’ve had a stray cat or two hanging around our place lately.
I really don’t know why, because we don’t have any cats any more and we certainly aren’t leaving any food out for it.
For the first time in a long while, Karen was awakened the other night by the screeching and yowling of a cat fight.
I slept through it.
Yesterday, when we came home from a long drive, we saw what we thought was an scruffy cat with matted orange hair that had been around off and on for several years go running off our deck. I thought I saw it again later out one of the front windows, but when I opened the door it was a totally different cat – a large young bob-tailed cat with short orange hair of the same shade as the scruffy one – and it started to run off until I said something to it. It stopped and went back to sniffing around the porch and trees – all the while keeping an eye on me.
We’re not going to encourage it. We’re not going to feed it. With our traveling, we don’t need to be trying to take care of any strays – not that it necessarily needs it.
Early this morning, I was awakened by a yowl from a cat.
“Oh, great,” I thought. “A cat fight.”
That was it, though. Not another sound.
Shortly after that, though, I figured out that the cat met it”s match when I started to smell what it had probably been messing with. I think the yowl was a response to getting sprayed, because not long afterward I started smelling the distinctive odor of a skunk.
We saw this lovely little critter outside a couple of weeks ago. Don’t know if it was the same one as made the stink last night.
Fortunately, there’s been a wind all day and the smell has completely dissipated – I think most of the spray must have hit the cat.
Maybe it won’t come back.