Dear Mr. Lieblong, Mr. Lamberth, Mr. Rice, Mr. East, Mr. Post, Mr. Hunter, and Mr. Lander,
I, along with the 7000 plus members of the Facebook group, Pope County Majority, look forward to the December Racing Commission meeting in the hopes that it will result in the issuance of a license for Cherokee Nation Businesses (CNB) for the construction and operation of a casino.
The obstacles to issuing a license are pretty much moot at this point.
The two lawsuits filed by James Knight and Citizens for a Better Pope County are based on an Ordinance that has been repealed and on the legal validity of a resolution from the Quorum Court that has since been backed up by unquestionably valid letters from Judge Cross.
On the Gulfside litigation, Casey Castleberry, in a November 26th letter, reminds Judge Fox that “Gulfside has filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction” to enjoin the Racing Commission from issuing a license. Yet, no such injunction has been issued.
With no injunction, Gulfside’s case is over if the Commission issues a casino license to CNB. As Mr. Castleberry writes in his letter, “Arkansas law provides for no other venue in which Gulfside can seek the relief necessary to preserve its claims.”
I believe that Gulfside sees this case ending in the near term and that it will not be in their favor, as evidenced by Mr. Castleberry’s request for a one-hour hearing and “in the alternative” not opposing the Court “ruling on the pending motions without a hearing.”
I believe that the 7,160 members of Pope County Majority are representative of a much larger number of local people who favor the construction of the casino and resort. I have been pleasantly surprised with the response lately in discussions that I have had. I have talked to people who are not members of Pope County Majority Facebook group. Some are not active on Facebook, some are reluctant to join our group because of possible repercussions at work, and other reasons, and some seldom or never use a computer. Virtually all have been either supportive of the casino or not opposed to it. While I do know some people who are adamantly against the casino, I have only talked to one. Also, while some of the members of our Pope County Majority group do not live in Pope County, most do live here and, of those who don’t, most have ties to Pope County or live in neighboring counties.
We eagerly await the expanded economic development that CNB’s Legends Resort and Casino Arkansas will bring to the Arkansas River Valley.
Legends is already having a positive impact. Long before they opened an office in downtown Russellville, they started sponsoring local events, such as a fishing tournament benefiting disabled veterans. With little fanfare, they are a presence in their local involvement, participating in food drives, the state fair, the county fair, Russellville Fall Festival, Russellville Art Walk, and numerous other events and programs. CNB has demonstrated that they want to be here.
All Gulfside ever demonstrated was that they want a casino. I don’t think they had much faith in their case from the beginning. My understanding is that days before Pope County Quorum Court passed the Resolution of Support, Gulfside offered to essentially match the funding dollars offered by CNB for a letter of support and, if they didn’t get the letter of support, would tie the license up in court for an extended period of time. I don’t know if this is true or simply a rumor, but it fits with what I understand of the case.
Pope County wants Legends Resort and Casino Arkansas. It will be a catalyst for change in the River Valley and a boost for the economic health and viability of the entire area.
I respectfully urge you to issue the casino license to Cherokee Nation Businesses so that construction can begin on Legends Resort and Casino Arkansas.
Thank you,
Michael Goad
Dover, Arkansas