A lost Exit78 post , recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; June 2011

Day before yesterday, we went to Woolly Hollow State Park, which is north of Conway, Arkansas, for a hike.
We had never been there before and my intent was to use the visit as the focus for a new approach to presenting travel related images and information on-line. I didn’t have a firm concept of what I wanted it to be at that point. I just knew that I needed something different. What I had just wasn’t working.
My old approach was to have a web page for each place that we had visited, with a few photos on it, and another page set up as a photo gallery index with each photo having it’s own web page and site navigation. Every one of the pages had advertising on it, of course. Though I had built some templates to streamline the process, it was still quite a bit of work. For the Woolly Hollow material there would have been a content page, a photo gallery index page, and 24 photo pages.
With the new approach, there is only one page. Space for content, photo gallery, and advertising is provided, with links to the individual images on flikr and a link to the flikr slide show for the “set” of photos. Over the last couple of days, I edited the photos that I wanted to use for the Woolly Hollow page and uploaded them to flikr and developed a new web layout I’m calling “Places and Images.”
With this, I should be able to publish new material a lot sooner after I’ve shot the images for whatever location we’ve visited. Of course, I’ve lot a pretty good backlog of material from places we visited this year, but this new approach should also be very, very helpful for that.
My whole concept for this is to publish “photos from places we’ve visited combined with relevant information and links.”
Now to catch up on some other stuff that have been neglected over the last several days……
November 8, 2007Melanie Goad @ 10:59 am
I really like the format. A very informative page.
November 9, 2007Mike Goad @ 1:26 am
Thanks for the comments!
Opal Tribble @ 2:45 am
I really like that!
Perhaps you might want to add a few affiliate buttons related to travel in a sense they are just like Google Adsense you select the type of program/button you want and just place it on your page at the moment I’m averaging a few sales per day. It’s outperforming adsense. I have found on some of my pages they compete with Adsense the beauty is I keep making money from the same person each time they buy at the store. My highest is 180 days.