If you’re interested in oil or watercolor paintings, check out the web site of Bill and Gloria Garrison.
Bill works in oil and Gloria does watercolor. Recently, some of their works as well as sculpture by their son, Steven, have been selected to be exhibited in the Arkansas State Capitol building in the office of the Lieutenant Governors, Bill Halter.
Former Governor Mike Huckabee, currently a Republican candidate for President of the U.S., chose many of Bill’s works to be given as gifts from the State of Arkansas during his official trips abroad as Governor. Bill’s paintings also hang in the collections of many corporate offices.
I first met Bill 27 years ago. He was a shift supervisor when I first went to work at the plant I later retired from. Bill later worked with emergency and other procedures for the plant and I ended up being the instructor who did most of the training on the emergency procedures. He retired several years before I did and I had only seen him since once or twice over the years. However, since I retired, I’ve been going to bi-weekly breakfasts of retirees from our company, when we are at home, and have had the opportunity get reacquainted with Bill and others.
A lost Exit78 post, recovered from Internet Archive WayBackMachine; March 2011